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Carriage Wheel Tax

Location :

United Kingdom (18th Century)

Impact :

Increased the cost of owning and maintaining carriages, affecting transportation and trade.

How it worked:

A tax on carriage wheels, introduced to generate revenue from transportation.


The Carriage Wheel Tax in 18th-century United Kingdom was a tax on carriage wheels, introduced to generate revenue from transportation. 

This tax increased the cost of owning and maintaining carriages, affecting both transportation and trade. The additional expenses often led to higher costs for goods transported by carriage. 

The Carriage Wheel Tax highlights how taxation on transportation infrastructure can influence trade and mobility.

The Carriage Levy


When was the Carriage Levy introduced in the United Kingdom?


Which government implemented the Carriage Levy in the United Kingdom?

The British government under the reign of King George II

What was the primary reason for introducing the Carriage Levy?

To raise revenue for the state and fund military expenses during ongoing conflicts

Which items were primarily targeted by the Carriage Levy?

Horse-drawn carriages

How was the Carriage Levy collected?

As a tax on the ownership of horse-drawn carriages, often based on the number and type of carriages owned

What was a common reaction of the public to the Carriage Levy?

Opposition from carriage owners, particularly the wealthy who owned multiple carriages, due to the increased cost

How did the Carriage Levy impact the carriage industry in the 18th century?

It increased the cost of owning and maintaining carriages, potentially reducing the number of carriages in use and affecting manufacturers

Which social class was most affected by the Carriage Levy?

The upper class, as they were the primary owners of horse-drawn carriages

What was one method used by people to avoid paying the Carriage Levy?

Registering fewer carriages or using less ostentatious modes of transport to avoid higher taxes

Who was responsible for enforcing the Carriage Levy?

Local tax collectors and government officials

When did the Carriage Levy decline in significance or end?

Early 19th century, as part of broader tax reforms and changes in transportation methods

What broader historical context surrounded the introduction of the Carriage Levy?

A period of increased taxation to support Britain's military and imperial ambitions, alongside the growing wealth and mobility of the upper classes

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